FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is an international, fashion, art & beauty – lifestyle magazine in english based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.


A place of inner strength is very important. When we are broken within, it opens the door from outside intruders to have access into our lives.

Inner strength lends an uncommon ability to do the incredible. The moment a strong man receives bad news, he suddenly becomes weak. It is not hard to notice a man that is broken when he suddenly receives a call and it turns out to be evil news but a man who has inner strength will withstand temptation, false accusation, lack, troubled times and hardship.

Spirituality can be the source, which controls the physical.  In general, the one with greater power gains control over the weak.  In quite the same way as our mind having great power and influence over our wellbeing.  The state of our mind determines the stage of our emotional and physical strength.  It is faith that determines how strong we stand when faced with the challenges of life.  Some people’s hearts are broken beyond repair and never see reasons for living – they end up committing suicide.  Some have suicidal thoughts. I pray for everyone reading this to be strong from within to stand against those fears staring at you in the face.

It is difficult to love today without inner strength against all the odds and still to love the unlovable.  It takes someone who is strong on the inside to speak the positives when everything around looks negative.  It takes someone who is strong from within to forgive that person which does not deserve it.  It takes someone’s strength from within to be able to see things differently from the way everyone else does. Please be bold, be thoughtful, be hopeful – Be strong in your inner-self.

Unfortunately, many people lack inner strength today that’s why when you see people’s reactions, you wonder what went wrong – something that should not have caused a fight ended up in just that. Also, because their inner-self is broken or weakened – diseases and afflictions have access into their lives. People fall into all manners of sins and temptations because of lack of inner strength to resist them. Our children need inner strength to obey us when they do not feel like it, it takes inner strength to be calm when you feel like throwing a tantrum.  Inner strength will make you sing when going through trials or tribulations instead of speaking blasphemy.  Inner strength will make you strong where others are weak.

Many of us are going through difficult times during this pandemic.  These are the times of many who are broken from within, because of what has been lost. In fact, many have given in to depression, blame, abuse, criticism, and so on.  Do not give up.  Do not quit. If you can trust in a higher power for help, it will come at the right time.  Faith will bring solutions to every challenge you go through in life to find beauty out of aches. Please, Hold on!

I have had situations in my life that caused me to almost give up.  I had a turbulent situation, where my faith alone was the strength that pushed me forward towards a smooth landing. When I look back and see the valleys and mountains, I have climbed in life – I wondered how I managed to scale through those problems.  One thing, I remember is that I asked my higher power for help at every stage of my challenges. I have experienced peace when going through storms.  I have experienced the deep comfort of God when going through stillbirth.  I have survived betrayal of a trusted friend. I have survived lack and want – Just because of strength from within. Whispers of, ‘My tomorrow will be better.’

How do I get inner strength?

  1. Pray and ask for help.
  2. Speak of the changes you want to see and not what you see around you.
  3. Do not give up.

Victoria Okuneye

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