FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is an international, fashion, art & beauty – lifestyle magazine in english based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

Welcome to eFAB. SHIFT To Your Authentic Self.

It took a while but our eFAB is out! It is time to SHIFT into your authentic Self. A couple of years ago, we worked on a prototype of our first print magazine – ICONIC, which you can view here. We printed just a few limited copies but everyone wanted a copy. We decided to embark on a radical journey to give print magazine a chance. Since the past couple of months, our FAB team has been on fire sourcing content and preparing for our next print edition. We are exploring diverse topics to bring you something unique in our print magazine coming out this Autumn. 

Learn how to discover your authentic self in our eFAB

As we embark on this journey, we listen, we watch, we adapt. So many people want to read and many love their stuff on the go. A whole new generation of readers are eager to taste the FAB. So yes, we fell for the seduction. In between our annual print magazine, you will receive our eFABs. Is that not FABulous? And here is the first eFAB volume 1 – SHIFT.

“SHIFT” is a theme we choose because it is more than ever important to explore, move, navigate towards something deep. Humanity needs peace, love and beauty. But the peace and love starts from within ourselves. We all have to make an individual shift towards that authentic humans that we are. 

Inspire your Authentic Self with our eFAB volume 1

For Catherine Gajsek (Pg.10), ballet offered a safe space for her to express herself, while for Wirat Tengchiang (Pg 22) bringing extravagance to sustainable fashion was his brilliant approach. We all have our own unique way to express and explore our authentic self.  An expression of who you are might lead to engagement in the service of others like Roberta Annan (Pg 32)  does in Ghana with her influence and investments.

Each time we do not follow our intuition and trust in ourselves, we step out of the original path. You can begin your own journey of self discovery and Ceri Samvilian (Pg. 34) teaches how the  journaling experience can help.  When we shift towards who we are, it is fascinating the magic we can create. Tony Cortes (Pg. 36) love for his heritage and the Gypsy guitar created a New Gypsy Wave which fuses Gypsy music with different genres like Jazz, Rock and Cuban music. Isn’t this magic? 

Shifting towards your authentic self takes time, so be patient! Be open-minded, free at heart, and young in spirit. Making significant shifts in your thinking processes expands your possibilities in life and creates an environment that allows you to reach for your authentic self. By practising this, you can attain clarity towards choices which lay ahead. 

Harriet Kahuzo Hala, Chief Editor

A full version of this article is in our eFAB Volume 1 and it is available free for our community members. Simply register on the page to access the magazine right on your device. Please remember to share with your friends and alerts build a strong community filled with love for one another. If you are creative and want to connect, contact us. Not to miss out on our next showcase, join the FAB community here

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The Future Of Fashion: Virtual Fashion Shows And More…

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