FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is an international, fashion, art & beauty – lifestyle magazine in english based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

Globalisation: How Music Unites People Across the World

Music is a universal language that has the power to connect people from every part of the world. Many Nigerians who were teenagers in the early 2000s and lived in cities have recently discovered that one of their favourite songs, while growing up, was sung by a Congolese. The song Coupé Bibamba by Awilo Longomba was originally sung in French and Lingala, but many young Nigerians had ignorantly substituted the lyrics with phrases from Yoruba language that complemented the song’s melody.

Music is the most sensuous of all arts

Richard Wagner

I also recall the joy that frequently follows the percussion drum roll that begins “Gâté le Coin,” another song by Awilo Longomba.

As young people, we had our individual versions of Gâté le Coin, but it did not matter what each person said in their version; we all knew it was a happy song without understanding the content. Not even language could impede us from entering the worlds of Awilo’s songs. This is why Richard Wagner’s words that “music is the most sensuous of all arts” will forever hold true. Music communicates with our emotions in ways that language cannot. There are many ways that music can be used to unite people across the globe, but I will only discuss a few here.

The power of music

Common Ground: Music is a universal language that has the power to connect people from every part of the world. Music creates a common ground for people who may not share the same language, beliefs, culture, or religion. Bob Marley’s One Love is that song that comes to mind here. Though the love for reggae as a genre is enough to bring like-minded people together, the message of the song also preaches love and unity. It’s unbelievable how Afropop Is Shaping The Future Of Global Music.

Bring people across the world together through melody

Cultural Exchange: There are various global music festivals that artists from around the world can attend and perform for people of different cultural backgrounds. People are exposed to other people’s cultures by listening to their songs. Music festivals allow people to also enjoy musical styles that are indigenous to cultures other than their own. Three French Music Artists You Need To Know.

Social Movements: With the help of social media platforms, we have seen how easy it is now to have global social movements. When we look at the various social movements, such as anti-war protests, civil rights movements, and LGBTQ movements, we can see the important role that music has played in them. Songs are composed to inspire people and fuel a sense of community among the people. “A Change is Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke, and “Oh Freedom” by some civil rights activists, though both were songs originally sung for the American people, have found their ways to many countries. Composed decades ago, both songs, and others like them, are still in the mouths of people who are united in fighting for the same cause.

Celebrations: Either cultural, religious, or social, music is a big part of celebrations globally. In many cases, language is not a barrier, as people can easily enjoy songs that are not in their own language. Even without being a Catholic, I personally enjoy their liturgical music when sung in Latin. The songs speak to my soul in an inexplicable way.

Above all, let’s be more deliberate about embracing music as a universal language to spread love, empathy, and unity among us. Only a few other things have the same power to unite us beyond barriers of language, belief, religion, and culture as music does.

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