FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is an international, fashion, art & beauty – lifestyle magazine in english based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

Susan Tusabe Transforms Children’s Lives through Art

Susan Tusabe

Susan Tusabe is an educator, social entrepreneur, and Forbes Africa Woman 2023, she’s dedicated her life to empowering children and transforming their lives through Art. She is the  founder of Art of a Child, a non-profit organization focused on providing quality education to underserved communities, she’s not just teaching; Susan is transforming lives.  Susan believes in the power of art to unlock potential, inspire creativity, and build a more equitable and inclusive society.

Susan’s journey began with a solid academic foundation. While attending Makerere College School for her  Advanced Level, she was an art student who saw potential in her pursuing a career in Art. While her career path took a different twist that she later pursued a degree in Finance from Makerere University, her passion lay beyond the world of numbers. She believed that art had a transformative power and as a lover of children, this belief led her to found Art of a Child.

Children enjoying their Mobile learning center known as Matatart at Art of a Child by Susan Tusabe

Art for a child is  an organization that goes beyond traditional education models. It  focuses on providing quality, inclusive, and equitable education to children in underserved communities, particularly those in rural areas and those with disabilities.  Through the construction of community learning centers and a mobile school, aptly named “Matatart,” Susan and her team are bringing education directly to children who need it most. 

Some of the children Susan Tusabe serves at Art of a Child

While at Art of a child. Susan  dedicates much of her time creating art with children, enabling them to express themselves through various themes, from favorite book passages to visions of an improved Uganda. Amongst the many collaborations Susan has had with artists is one that stands out with Myco Arts.

The mobile Class room painted by Myco Arts in collaboration with Children at Art of a Child founded by Susan Tusabe

Myco Arts worked with children at Art of a Child to paint one of the Mobile schools for Art of a child known as a Matatart.  This Matatart was painted with vibrant and eye-catching colors that symbolize hope and opportunity, bringing art and education to the streets of Kampala’s slums.

Susan’s latest project is  “My Perfect World,” She worked with children she serves to depict their vision for a better Uganda.  From good schools and hospitals to improved infrastructure, the artwork reflects the children’s awareness of their surroundings and their desire for a brighter future.  It’s a testament to the power of art to not only express dreams but also to inspire action and social change.

Susan Tusabe with one of the children at Art of a Child, as a Child shows off her work as an expression of what she envisions in a better Uganda

Community impact and sustainability 

 Susan instills environmental awareness in the children she teaches, encouraging them to care for their surroundings through activities like tree planting and community cleanups.  She also promotes the use of recycled materials, demonstrating their potential for creating toys and other items, fostering a sense of resourcefulness and creativity.  These practices not only benefit the environment but also teach valuable life skills and promote a sense of responsibility.

Additionally, Susan  works closely with community mothers, supporting them in developing innovative ways to generate income and provide for their families.  Through savings schemes and skill-building workshops, she empowers these women to become financially independent and invest in their children’s education.  While she acknowledges the challenges of shifting mindsets from handouts to sustainable solutions, she remains dedicated to building long-term resilience and self-sufficiency within communities.

Looking ahead, Susan is excited about the growing opportunities for young people to showcase their artistic talents and express themselves without judgment.  She envisions a future where art is celebrated as a profession and a vital form of expression, contributing to a more vibrant and inclusive cultural landscape.  She believes that Uganda has immense artistic potential and is committed to advocating for a greater understanding and appreciation of art in all its forms.

Susan Tusabe engaging children at Art of a Child

However, Susan  recognizes the challenges of plagiarism and the need to protect originality. she believes that fostering a creative environment where children feel empowered to express their unique narratives is key to combating these issues.  By encouraging self-confidence and celebrating individuality, she’s nurturing a generation of artists who are proud of their heritage and confident in their creative voices.

Through her work with Art of a Child, she’s not only providing quality education but also fostering creativity, empowering communities, and building a brighter future for Uganda’s children.

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