FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is an international, fashion, art & beauty – lifestyle magazine in english based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

Self-Care Sunday

Self-love is the most important kind of love out there, because you can’t love another until you have mastered self-love. Every once in a while, it is important to focus on loving ourselves and doing what makes us happy, doing things that put us in a space of positive mental health.  It isn’t vanity, it’s sanity that creates a ripple effect across all aspects of our life and the lives of those we touch.

Mental health awareness is a topic being given the attention it so deserves; part of self-care is learning how to shut out the voices in your head.  Being self-aware is vital. Knowing who you are, what you need, what you are worth and what things are not worth your time are critical pieces of the self-love puzzle.  Take out a pen and paper and without describing your job, jot down a description of yourself.  Write down your purpose on the planet.  Get in touch with yourself!  While you’re making notes, try to list 100 things you are thankful for.  When you are grateful, you access the vibration of love.

Self-care is a vital part of self-love. This could be treating yourself, now and then, to a day away from technology and social media.  Or, by taking time to meditate, work out, take a bubble bath, or even just an afternoon nap. Self-care Sunday is a fun way to make time for self-care once a week and focus, for example, on your skin care. Sundays are usually a quiet, relaxing day for most of us; the perfect day to go into a bubble and regenerate for the busy week ahead.


Wake up in the morning and hydrate while you meditate, stretch, or even indulge your body in some yoga. Do some cleaning up of your personal space, play some soothing music or listen to an uplifting podcast. For breakfast, try some green tea in place of your favorite coffee, take a little extra time preparing your breakfast and spoil yourself!

Self-care is always deemed a luxury, but it is a necessity worth your time and investment. Life is what happens when you are busy making plans and we often forget to live life instead of just going through the motions.

Taking time off doesn’t always mean planning “over-the-top” vacations. It can mean turning off your phone, getting some much-needed alone time and relaxing, not just physically, but also mentally. Every now and then we need time out from the everyday hustle of life and this is where routine self-care plays a key role. Instead of waiting for months to come, so you can take a month-long vacation, try a stay-cation by turning your surroundings into your own version of a home away from home.

Try meditation to calm your mind, body and spirit. Seek therapy or support groups and learn to surround yourself with people who enable a positive mental state. Make sure your social media is filled with helpful, positive and educative content, based on who you are following. Avoid following people who cause you stress or unnecessary anxiety.  This might not sound like taking care of yourself, but it is actually part of the process. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle ensure your physical health.  Censoring what you expose your mind to ensures your mental health.

Embrace the five-year, five-minute rule, “If it won’t matter in five years then it is not worth five minutes of your time.”

Focusing on yourself is not a selfish act. You might be taking care of everyone and everything around you, but ask yourself who is nurturing you?  Who is making sure you are okay?  Take a breather, access gratitude, and make self-care Sunday part of your lifestyle.


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