FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is an international, fashion, art & beauty – lifestyle magazine in english based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

Samuel Kitara uses art for Social Change

Samuel Kitara

Kitara Samuel, known as Kaytee Di Artist, is a self-taught visual storyteller whose vibrant paintings resonate with the heart of Northern Uganda. He encountered financial constraints while studying his ordinary level certificate causing him to drop out of school when he finished the Certificate.

Since he was passionate about art as right from childhood, he chose to embark on a path of self-discovery. In 2017, he began honing his painting  skills, learning from friends already established in the art scene. With unwavering passion and dedication, he built a reputation as a prominent artist in Gulu.

Growing up,Kitara’s mother had told him stories about his late grandfather who was a creative and this sparked a desire inhim to walk in his Grand father’s footsteps. This connection to his lineage drives his current project, “CULTURE/ROOT,” a collection dedicated to portraying the rich traditions of the Luo culture. Through his paintings, he explores themes of marriage, child-bearing, and the stark contrasts between past and present lifestyles.

Samuel Kitara at a gallery exhibiting his work
Samuel Kitara at a gallery exhibiting his work

In December 2023, Samuel held his first solo exhibition, “GOLDEN BEAUTY,”. The 45-piece collection aimed to raise awareness about the dangers of skin bleaching, a prevalent issue among Dark girls in Gulu. Through this exhibition, the participants appreciated Samuel’s artistic talent and his  dedication to using art for positive social change.

Kitara’s art journey has encountered several challenges.Until now, he faces the difficulties of limited resources and  often struggles with high rental fees for exhibition spaces, a common challenge amongst many artisans.  However, he acknowledges the support he receives from fellow artists who provide materials and encouragement.

Samuel Incorporates discarded clothes in his art work
Samuel Incorporates discarded clothes in his art work

Sustainability is a key aspect of Kitara’s artistic practice. He incorporates recycled materials like plastic bottles, glass, and discarded clothing into his artwork, adding a unique and eco-conscious dimension to his creations.

Beyond his personal work, Kitara is deeply committed to giving back to his community. He creates large-scale mural paintings that address social issues, such as keeping Gulu City clean. He also provides art skills training to students, helping them excel in their art exams.

Samuel Kitara  notes a growing appreciation for creative endeavors within his community, even among parents who were previously hesitant about their children pursing art as a career. He believes  with the  the limited job opportunities , the art industry is an alternative employment opportunity. 

Kitara’s art is a reflection of his life experiences and observations. He draws inspiration from personal situations, current events, and the stories he hears, transforming them into imaginative compositions that resonate with viewers. His paintings are a powerful testament to the ability of art to communicate, inspire, and transform lives.

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