FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is an international, fashion, art & beauty – lifestyle magazine in english based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

GET IN SHAPE for a better life!

get in shape fablstyle

– GET IN SHAPE for a better life!

For improved health, more energy, better self-confidence, more strength, higher performance in personal and professional life, and for a brighter mood… The key is to train daily and do it as efficiently as possible – with maximum effect for minimum time! We are pleased to share this super effective, high-intensive routine! Zero financial cost and great results! Quarantine isn’t a valid excuse, because we have all the resources! All we need is a rubber resistance band and 1 hour a day with ourselves, in nature or at home. What do you think? Let’s start now! This is a training program that you can follow and develop over time by varying the exercises or changing the resistance of the rubber band.


1. Running or brisk walking to warm up, to the place of training. – 5 min.
Warm-up at a 60% intensity. (60% of maximum heart rate). 

2. Squats with a resistance band – 3 sets x 20 repetitions.
Targeted muscle group: Legs (quadriceps and glutes)

Attach the resistance band to a stable stand. Face the stand. Step back. Make sure the band is double bent and maximally stretched so that it allows you to keep your body upright when you give your weight back. This is your starting position. Start squatting by keeping your waist and upper body straight and squatting deep to a 90-degree angle at the knee. The arms remain stretched forward without any tension. Keep the working muscles under control and firm throughout the exercise. Perform the number of repetitions and sets as recommended. 

work out resistance band

3. Kick Back – 2 sets x 20 repetitions
Targeted muscle group: Posterior thigh muscles and gluteal muscles

Attach the resistance band to a stable stand and tie its ends in a knot. Face the stand. Place the heel of one foot in a band while standing on the other leg (slightly bent at the knee for better stability). This is the starting position. Push back to achieve the best squeeze for your glutes, keeping in this position for a second to get a peak contraction and return slowly to the starting position. Repeat as recommended, keeping the tension in the working muscles throughout the whole exercise. Without taking a break, change legs and perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions for each leg. 

4. Hip adduction – 2 sets x 30 repetitions
Targeted muscle group: Adductors

Attach the resistance band to a stable stand. Stand to one side. Place one foot in a band so that the band is around the ankle and under tension while standing on the other leg. Push in using the inside of the thigh and return slowly to the starting position, so that the working muscles remain tense throughout the whole exercise. Repeat as recommended. Without taking a break, change legs and perform 3 sets of 30 repetitions for each leg.

5. Pull back – 3 sets x 15 repetitions
Targeted muscle group: Back

Attach the resistance band to a stable stand. Face the stand. Grasp the two straps with both hands, in a neutral grip (palms pointing to each other). Make sure that even when the arms are stretched forward, the tension in the band and back is maintained. This is the starting position. With the elbows close to the body, pull the resistance band back with both hands at the same time, until the back muscles are fully squeezed. Return to starting position under control, keeping the tension in the working muscles constant and the elbows retracted. Perform the number of repetitions and sets as recommended. 

6. Chest press – 3 sets x 15 repetitions
Targeted muscle group: Chest

Attach the resistance band to a stable stand. Face out the stand. Grasp the two straps with both hands in an overhand grip (the straps remains under the palms), with the elbows raised, bent at 90 degrees and the band under tension. This is the starting position. With your breasts ahead, push the band forward with both hands at the same time until the chest muscles are squeezed. Return under control to the starting position, keeping the tension on the working muscles constant. Perform the number of repetitions and sets as recommended. 

work out resistance band

7. Shoulder press – 3 sets x 15 repetitions
Targeted muscle group: Shoulders

Attach the resistance band to a stable stand. Face out the stand. Grasp the two straps with both hands in an overhand grip (the strap remains under the palms) and lean forward from the waist at about 90 degrees. The arms are at the sides, bent at the elbows at 90 degrees, the band passes under the arms and stays under tension. This is the starting position. Push the bandage forward with both hands at the same time, above the head until the shoulder muscles are completely squeezed, stretching the arms, but without locking them in the elbows. Return under control to the starting position, keeping the tension on the working muscles constant. Perform the number of repetitions and sets as recommended. 

8. Biceps curls – 3 sets x 15 repetitions
Targeted muscle group: Biceps

Attach the resistance band to a stable stand. Face the stand. Grasp the two straps with both hands, in a neutral grip (palms pointing to each other). Squat slightly for stability, position your elbows in front of your chest and stretch your arms forward with your palms touching. Make sure that even when the arms are stretched forward, the tension in the biceps is maintained. This is the starting position. Without changing the position of the elbows, pull the bandage at the same time with both hands folding them until the biceps are fully squeezed. Return under control to the starting position, keeping the tension on the working muscles constant. Perform the number of repetitions and sets as recommended. 

9. Triceps extensions – 3 sets x 15 repetitions
Targeted muscle group: Triceps

Attach the resistance band to a stable stand. Face the stand. Grasp the two straps with both hands, in a neutral grip (palms pointing to each other). Squat slightly for stability and lean forward. Position the elbows of your hands parallel to the floor, on both sides of the body. The arms are folded at 90 degrees, with the forearms perpendicular to the floor. Make sure the band is stretched to support the tension in the triceps. This is the starting position. Without changing the position of the elbows, push both hands back at the same time, until the triceps are fully extended and squeezed. Return under control to the starting position, keeping the tension on the working muscles constant. Perform the number of repetitions and sets as recommended. 

10. Abdominal press – 3 sets x 20 repetitions
Targeted muscle group: Abdominal muscles

Attach the resistance band to a stable stand. Face out the stand. Grasp both straps with both hands in hand, with the straps passing over the shoulders and stretched under tension. This is the starting position. Fold your upper body down in an abdominal press, squeezing the abdominal muscles as much as possible. Return under control to the starting position, keeping the tension on the working muscles constant. Perform the number of repetitions and sets as recommended. 

work out resistance band

11. Twist for the waist – 3 sets x 30 repetitions
Targeted muscle group: Waist

Attach the resistance band to a stable stand. Face the stand. Grasp the two straps with both hands and place your hands on your hips. The straps are strongly stretched and under tension. This is your starting position. Rotate your upper body to one side, return under control to the starting position and perform 30 times, keeping the tension on the working muscles constant. Repeat without resting in the other direction. Perform 3 sets of 30 repetitions for each side.

12. Fat burn Running – 15 minutes
Final workout for fat burning with 60% intensity (60% of maximum heart rate).

All breaks between the series and the exercises are 20 seconds. This makes 20 minutes for exercises, 10 minutes for breaks and 20 minutes of running (all together). With the shower at the end, it makes 1 hour a day. An hour that can change our lives and make them much better and happier. It is worth it!

Success is in perseverance! We are encouraging you! Enjoy your new better life IN BETTER FORM!

* The resistance degree of the band should be selected, according to your fitness level and targets.
* The workout can be performed in nature using a tree or fence or at home using a door handle or window.
* Running in nature, in the fresh air, is, of course, healthy and wonderful, but jumping rope at home is also a great opportunity for warm-up, as well as for a great end to the workout when the weather outside seems to be unpleasant, or you are quarantined.
* The tighter the band, the greater the resistance and the corresponding workload.


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